When a man embarks on a crooked road, where does it eventually lead? What type of destination does he suppose is waiting at the end of his travels?
Believers / Saints
A spirit of mockery has been unleashed upon this nation, filling the atmosphere with a sense of loathing, as he comes to pit neighbor against neighbor, promoting strife through her airwaves by using language that sounds virtuous, but which, in reality, breeds offense and hatred, as it targets those who ignore the pandemic guidelines by shaming only them for their “selfish behavior”.
So it shall be that the nations will tremble at the sound of My name, and that the rulers of this world shall fall face down before My throne, for those who claim authority in this realm are numbered among the masses when they stand in My presence, the One who has dominion over every people and culture in the world.
The Articles of Confederation outlined the original state of this union in its earliest form, establishing this land as a nation, and as a people who would live without being ruled by a king. For when this document was ratified, it decreed that each state in this territory was sovereign, and therefore, the people who dwelt on this soil had the divine right to independence and freedom: those inalienable gifts which I bestowed upon mankind long before the concept of this nation was ever birthed.
When someone presents a false narrative and then uses symbolic gestures to prop up his claims, the real motivation of the heart is plain to see. For with the tongue, both truth and deception are spoken, but it’s a person’s actions that reveal their real nature.
In order to receive the “new” I am sending, the Church must break free from her old and antiquated ways of operating corporately. And so, this season wherein My people are currently standing must therefore intensify, so that these unproductive practices can be broken off.