I have shed light on their corruption, I have exposed every evil deed. For what was done in darkness shall be revealed. Who then can hide from the One who sees all, and where can these evildoers run that I cannot find them?
The winter frost and springtime flowers have faded away, for this nation has fully entered the season of searing heat and scorched fields.
Summer was sent with its extreme temperatures to melt away anything leftover from the last seasons planting: those old stalks which shall no longer produce any new growth. A time of winnowing is indeed upon this nation, for My hand has come to separate the chaff from the wheat, and those who do not put their trust in Me shall surely feel the intensity of this hour. Although all who dwell in this land are now found on the threshing floor, those who have remained faithful to Me shall be caught up in the wind of My Spirit when He blows away all that is useless, and breathes in the new life I have ordained for this generation. For the separating force of this strong wind is not meant to cause harm, but to usher in the much-needed change to My Church.
Hasn’t there been enough fighting? Haven’t there been enough angry words spoken in this land?
Oh, when will those who live in this nation allow Me to heal their hearts? For though there have been times of unrest throughout its history, where the climate carried a certain level of hostility, there has never before been, however, so much animosity displayed out in public, as throngs of young adults take to the streets to show their displeasure against authority.
The lesser of two evils is the attitude of most when they approach polling places these days, for to choose a worthy candidate is now decided by who amongst the field has fewer black marks against them or distasteful skeletons in their closet. So then, the one chosen to lead isn’t necessarily selected because of their stellar reputation, nor because they are the most qualified to hold the seat, but because he or she was more palatable to a larger segment of the population.