The avarice of the flesh has a strong pull, for it leads a person’s heart to dark places within its tow, as those who succumb to its voice are driven to accumulate more and more. Because this internal need is never satisfied (as “not enough” pushes a person to obtain a fortune of substantial size), “excess” then becomes the goal so that the individual who has partnered with this greedy voice builds his life on a structure of affluence and riches.
Remember the days of yesterdays past when life was simple and carefree; when brilliant sunshine would send bare feet scampering for the door, unconcerned by mussed hair and misshapen clothes. For to grab every minute of the day’s golden rays was set as the highest priority, and the only burden came from knowing dusk would arrive before it was welcome. Yet, always hoping the sun would forget he needed a rest and be pleased to continue beaming so the day would never come to an end.