The abhorrent acts of this man and his son shall fully be brought into the light, for those who are friendly to him won’t be able to offer protection much longer. Although these have formed a shield around him, hoping to provide enough cover to suppress the reports of their corruption from getting out, when I decide to bring forth what has been hidden, who can stop this revelation from coming forth?
There no longer exists any chastisement for their sins for those who are in Christ.
This penalty was removed from the shoulders of the repentant heart and placed upon His. Every transgression committed by the vagrant, the scoffer, and all those whose feet are found having trodden in the miry ravine of sin, He has borne.
Atop the high hill where I am seated, all of man’s comings and goings are plainly visible, without any of his dealings hidden from My sight. And though people may be able to fool each other, no one can ever put anything past Me, for My eye has always discerned rightly what is in the heart of each person who has ever lived on the earth.
“Liberty and justice for all” was a divinely inspired phrase.
Its meaning reflects the same foundational ideas which govern My Kingdom, as all who dwell under My banner know true freedom: the emancipation of their souls. For when these who were lost stood before the High Magistrate and confessed their guilt, though they deserved the full penalty of death, to each one I gave a pardon, and then cleared their record (since I don’t consider one person better or worse than the other). In My courts there is no partiality because there is only One way to have a sentence commuted, and without Him all men stand as equals in shame.