When a man embarks on a crooked road, where does it eventually lead? What type of destination does he suppose is waiting at the…
Beloved, do not think the results of this election to be a forgone conclusion? Do not assume that you needn’t pray because the outcome…
It is time for the herd mentality that exists within My flock to be broken, for I did not call the Church to resemble…
In order to receive the “new” I am sending, the Church must break free from her old and antiquated ways of operating corporately. And…
There are many of My children that are searching for a word from Me, who are longing to hear My voice utter words their…
Let the harvesters prepare to glean, and ready themselves to step out into the fields, for the unseasonable downpour of adversity has created the…
The singular expression of My love was displayed through the death of My Son, where I showed to the world the deep measure of…
When a penny loses its shine and has lost its gleam, there is nothing about it that sets it apart from all the other…
It is the appearance of the ekklesia rising up in unified force that has summoned the victory from My hand, those determined warriors who…
The hallmark of this Presidency shall be the role he played in ending abortion. There is no achievement of his legacy that will hold…